MARMADUKE, AR – Char Green, an Art 8 teacher, yearbook sponsor, Junior High Cheer Coach and experienced Gifted & Talented Program Coordinator/Facilitator in Marmaduke School District, heard Josh speak at the NAGC conference in St. Louis and has since been using TAOL to teach emotion regulation lessons to students in grades 5-8. In one of her lessons, “Something’s Fishy”, students focus on “learning obstacles”, particularly, the obstacle of living in a culture where we are bombarded with more and more information. She has students list technology devices in their home, discuss how many devices might be going at once, and how quickly the affective experience of boredom sets in if the internet/cable goes down. She uses an example of an Ice Storm in 2009 where students went 11 days without power. She asked the students to reflect on the experience of being without access to technology and entertainment stimulation.  You can see more examples of Char’s lessons on our Resources for Educators and Coaches page, in the middle school section.

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