NEW YORK, NY -Connie Chartrand is teaching a Staff Development class at Teacher’s College, Columbia University, as part of the Adult Learning and Leadership program. The context for the course is learning in the workplace such as hospitals, consulting firms, corporations, and non-profits. It is comprised of full and part-time students and employees who are in a Master’s or Doctoral program.
Students in this class are assigned portions of The Art of Learning to read throughout the semester. In the classroom setting they then 1) highlight each topic to create a common understanding, and 2) consider if and how these concepts can be applied in a work setting.
Connie says, “In discussing the book, it’s usually an interesting conversation of what ‘could be’ vs. ‘what is’. For example, how do you use ‘making mistakes’ within a company so that others can learn from them? Some students shared that in some cases, making a mistake results in that person being asked to leave the firm. As learning professionals, what do we do with that? Learning still happens, even though it may not be what was intended.”