NEW YORK, NY -Connie Chartrand is teaching a Staff Development class at Teacher’s College, Columbia University, as part of the Adult Learning and Leadership program. The context for the course is learning in the workplace such as hospitals, consulting firms, corporations, and non-profits. It is comprised of full and part-time students and employees who are …
Tag: staff development
Brian & Teri Cram Middle School
LAS VEGAS, NV The teaching staff at Brian & Teri Cram Middle school will be studying The Art of Learning in the context of a round-table book discussion group held over a two-month period that will be devoted to staff development. Led by Assistant Principal Christopher Whitney, the teachers will examine ways to “better serve …
Highlands Elementary School
APPLETON,WI. Teacher, Lisa Blenker is using The Art of Learning in a book study group for purposes of staff development among educators in the English Language Learner department in this elementary school. Her goal is to use the book “to generate ideas about how to work with and reach all our students.”